iBoxer Machine

The iBoxer is a coin-operated amusement machine with an iPhone-style design intended for use in modern discos and pubs. It has a little punching bag where you can vent all your beer-induced anger. The machine looks like a really large iPhone with a bitten logo, obviously based on Apple’s design. The machine only comes in black or white and is generated tremendous buzz, sparking interest to play with the newest technological innovations.

The iBoxer is fully weatherproof and is equipped with high-quality stereo MP3 sound-system, wide demo program (music plus illuminations), an OLED back-light and only LED lighting which makes for low-power consumption (average only 25W). The iBoxer can be equipped with a coin acceptor, bill acceptor or an SMS payment acceptor, and additional ticket dispenser.

Apple enthusiasts want to play the machine. Microsoft enthusiasts want to hit the machine. Linux enthusiasts… are staying home.

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